Non-linear metric perturbation enhancement of primordial gravitational waves

M. Bastero-Gil, J. Macias-perez, D. Santos

We present the evolution of the full set of Einstein equations during preheating after inflation. We study a generic supersymmetric model of hybrid inflation, integrating fields and metric fluctuations in a 3-dimensional lattice. We take initial conditions consistent with Eintein's constraint equations. The induced preheating of the metric fluctuations is not large enough to backreact onto the fields, but preheating of the scalar modes does affect the evolution of vector and tensor modes. In particular, they do enhance the induced stochastic background of gravitational waves during preheating, giving an energy density in general an order of magnitude larger than that obtained by evolving the tensors fluctuations in an homogeneous background metric. This enhancement can improve the expectations for detection by planned gravitational waves observatories.