Gravitational wave astronomy: a multi-messenger approach

Alicia M. Sintes

The successful construction and operation of the LIGO, GEO600 and Virgo detectors has not yet been rewarded with the detection of a gravitational-wave signal. Nevertheless, searches for gravitational-wave signals are already providing meaningful constraints on the population and characteristics of sources, and in particular on the astrophysics of events which are observed by other means. Including gravitational waves in multimessenger observations shall enable the extraction of scientific insight that was hidden from us before. Therefore, gamma-ray, X-ray, optical, radio and neutrino observations of cosmic events with plausible gravitational wave emission are being used or considered in combination with searches for gravitational waves. Information on the progenitor, such as trigger time, direction and expected frequency range, can additionally enhance our ability to identify gravitational wave signatures with amplitude close to the noise floor of the detector.
In this talk I will describe the status of current and planed ground-based gravitational wave detectors, I will review the different searches taking place, present some astrophysics highlights, and present future multimessenger astrophysics enabled through gravitational wave observations.